Why I Oppose Mandatory Water Fluoridation In Aotearoa
Billboard designed by G.Parker for Fluoride Action Network NZ 2013.
I just posted my public submission opposing the move for mandatory fluoridation & mass medication of NZ's water supply. Applications are open until 18 June 2021. Even a simple "I do not consent" makes a difference.
See my submission below:
To whom it concerns,
Thank you for the opportunity to share about the Supplementary Order Paper No. 38 on the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill
I do not consent to the proposed mandatory water fluoridation bill, which means the entire water supply in Aotearoa would be medicated with fluorosilicic acid (fluoride).
This chemical is a waste product of the phosphate fertilizer industry and has no place in the community water supply.
Since these silicofluorides undergo no purification procedures, they can contain elevated levels of arsenic — moreso than any other water treatment chemical. In addition, recent research suggests that the addition of silicofluorides to water is a risk factor for elevated lead exposure, particularly among residents who live in homes with old pipes. (links at http://fluoridealert.org/faq/)
Fluoride has long been known to be a very toxic substance. This is why, like arsenic, fluoride has been used in pesticides and rodenticides (to kill rats, insects, etc). It is also why the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now requires that all fluoride toothpaste sold in the U.S. carry a poison warning that instructs users to contact the poison control center if they swallow more than used for brushing. http://fluoridealert.org/issues/dental-products/toothpastes/
In addressing the state of New Zealand's dental health, is not appropriate to medicate the entire water supply of the country with a chemical that is effective only with topical application.
There is no place for fluorosilic acid in the organs of the human body.
There is no need to put our bodies under the pressure of calcifying glands, organs and joints due to the build of up this chemical in the human body.
Excessive fluoride exposure is well known to cause a painful bone disease (skeletal fluorosis), as well as a discoloration of the teeth known as dental fluorosis. Excessive fluoride exposure has also been linked to a range of other chronic ailments including arthritis, bone fragility, dental fluorosis, glucose intolerance, gastrointestinal distress, thyroid disease, and possibly cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.
(links at http://fluoridealert.org/faq/)
64 studies have linked fluoride with reduced IQ in children.
Most developed nations in the world have rejected fluoridation, including 97% of western Europe.
Fluoridating water supplies can be fairly be described as a form of mass medication, which is why most European countries have rejected the practice.
Our soils, vegetables, and waterways do not need to be exposed to the copious amounts of this chemical which is added to the water supply.
Lake Taupo is one of the most pristine bodies of water in the world. The Taupo District Council adds approximately 3-3.5 tonnes of fluorosilic acid (fluoride) to the water supply per year. The council have admitted that fluoride chemicals are not being removed in Turangi’s Waste Water Treatment Process and are being added to the Hangarito stream that feeds Lake Taupo. This means that our pristine Lake Taupo is being exposed to potentially tonnes of hydrofluorosilicic acid per year.
This is a barbaric environmental tragedy in "100% pure New Zealand."
You can read more about these issues and see peer reviewed studies at this link.
Water fluoridation is an in-effective band-aid approach to a problem which is caused by lack of dental education and the cheap sugar packed drinks and foods which are available in almost every store in New Zealand - particularly in impoverished and/or vulnerable communities.
A better way to deal with tooth decay is to heal the problem at the root. Focusing on dental education, diet & lifestyle ambassadors in schools and television, healthy food initiatives, and perhaps most obvious -the regulation/removal of most sugar driven food/drink-like products on the shelves, billboards and advtisements of our entire society - in particular energy drinks, alcohol, fizzy drinks, and products with more sugar than actual food present.
Please take a look at this information before mixing our precious water supply with waste products from China.
Ngā mihi
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