Tiwaiwaka Aotearoa - The Movement
Ka ora te whenua, Ka ora te tangata.
When the land is well, the people will be well.
Tiwaiwaka is another name for the Piwakawaka (fantail) from the Whanganui area of Aotearoa. This symbol represents a movement of healers, Rongoā Māori practitioners, conservationists, activists and all able people to restore the mauri (life force) of the whenua (land) guided by the 6 principles laid out in Pa Ropata’s (Rob McGowan’s) book entitled Tiwaiwaka.
Tiwaiwaka 30 Page booklet - Published 2019
100% profits support www.tiwaiwaka.nz
Key Principles
The whenua, Papatūānuku, is the source of all life. She is the Mother. Ka ora te whenua, ka ora te tāngata. Caring for the whenua is the first priority. Everything else must be measured against this.
We are not the centre of the universe, but we are part of it. All living creatures are our brothers and sisters, and we are the potiki, the last born. Papatūānuku is our mother. We must care for her.
The Mauri is the web of connections that sustains life. If any of those connections are weakened or broken the mauri is less able to sustain life. The integrity of the mauri and its web of connections has greater priority than the rights and needs of any individual or species.
Te Tāngata – people – are not the masters of the mauri; we are part of the mauri and embraced by it.
No individual person is more important than any other. Each must contribute what they have to offer, and receive what they need to be well. We are most well when we are sustained by the mauri, the web of connections that makes us who we are.
We give special care to the tiniest living creatures. Even though they are too small to be seen, they are the foundation that keeps and sustains all life. Caring for them is caring for the mauri. This is the source of wellness, of sustainability.
Fundamentally the principles of Tiwaiwaka are about survival.
These are the principles, the priorities, we must adhere to if in the long term our descendants are to survive.
Tiwaiwaka is about learning to live with the Earth, Papatūānuku and her many children again as a family, connected and united so that all may thrive.
Organic Mechanic is currently stocking a limited run of t-shirts, books, and art prints to help raise money for the cause - dedicating profits towards sending rangatahi (young people) to learn the ways of the old people in terms of caring for and being cared for by - te Ngāhere (the Forest).
Get the book: https://organicmechanic.co.nz/collections/om-kombucha/products/tiwaiwaka-pa-ropata-rob-mcgowan?nopreview
T-Shirts - https://bit.ly/2QDdXFH
Tiwaiwaka is out of the cage. She now flies freely. Where she flies to is beyond our control. We must fly with her.
More info at https://oranewzealand.com/2018/12/tiwaiwaka-group/