New Age Primal - Men's Survival Expedition

This weekend we are leading an expedition of Men from our community down to Wanaka to be schooled by the wolf-man Ben Scott Logan of New Age Primal about how to survive in the rugged and charismatic wilderness of the south.

We will be learning:

🌿 Wild food foraging, herbs and stress-activated nutrients
* The evolutionary understanding and application of intermittent fasting
* The benefits of cold climate / environmental conditioning
* Natural movement, strength and endurance training
* Psychology of survival and mindset strategies, applicable to all areas of life
* Priorities and planning in a survival situation
* Environmental & cold climate training and survival
* Metabolic efficiency training (how to survive without food)
* Wild food & water foraging & purification
* Traversing rough terrain at pace in a survival situation
* Situational awareness
* Emergency fire lighting & shelter construction/snow shelter construction
* Improvised tools, equipment and weapons
* Survival and emergency packs
* Improvised tools and equipment

For more information check out Ben at


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King Tawhiao - The Second Maori King