Physical Training

Physical training has become one of the cornerstones of my existence.

My local gym is a spiritual temple of primal self-mastery and discipline

The endorphins I feel pulsing through my veins after a workout, sitting with a smoothie in the sunshine, for me is like drinking ale from a horn in the halls of Valhalla.

The way I see it, as masculine pillars we owe it to our women, our whānau, our future descendants, to #getstrong.

There is so much to be gained from balancing the inner and outer worlds.

Balancing the intellectual/spiritual/emotional with the physical.

The ripped Greek philosopher Socrates once said “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a shame it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable”.

These days, that quote can seem harsh, - but it’s because so many of us live under the artificial lights of convenience and comfort, devoid of the primal-warrior energy of our ancestors.

We live in an age where Testosterone and Sperm counts have dropped over 50% in the last 40 years For a number of reasons, and being a little bish is one of them.

It’s okay to be weak, but it’s not OK to stay weak.

No-one is going to build the chest of your dreams for you…

No-one is coming to make you into a “swole-soldier”.

It takes hard work, commitment. Discipline. And only you can do it.

I’m not a huge guy, but longevity doesn’t train for that.

I train to be more #resilient, more flexible, and stronger than yesterday.

 3-4 times a week

Solar charging in the sunshine

 Increasing the resistance

 Fasting before training

 Working hard for the kai afterwards

 Training with my darling.

 Boxing with the bros.

You don’t need a lot to get going.

You actually don’t need anything except the attitude of continually creating a more #optimal you.

It’s okay to fall off the train, just get your ass back on it again.

Respect to the homies out there grinding.

Grateful to have a body that is able.

#kettlebells #valhalla #longevity #socrates #stoic #training #discipline #masculine #vitality #BROS #ednotmed #organicmechanic


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