The Cannabis Revolution

When I think about the damage that alcohol has caused in our society... How many cases of heart disease and liver toxicity directly attributed to alcohol consumption have ended lives... How many acts of violence, idiotic behaviour and bad decisions have been made under its influence... How our streets can be visually polluted with advertising from giant alcohol companies glorifying a life of decadence and splendour - it is no wonder our youth have a huge social problem with binge drinking.

In this picture, are medicinal cannabis plants. A sister plant to hemp, (which focuses on producing seeds and fibre) as these grow beautifully fragrant flowers/herbs which can be dried & prepared for medicinal/sacramental and recreational purposes.

There have been zero deaths attributed to Cannabis use around the world for the last 100+ years. People don't get violent when they smoke the herb. Nobody gets raped. People get creative, and it's quite hard to ignore the connection to Mother Nature and oneness one can feel. When it is used with proper preparation and wisdom, Cannabis can even cure and relieve chronic diseases and auto-immune conditions like seizures, Multiple Schlerosis, and even cancer.

To the uneducated individual, it is quite likely that everything we think we know about cannabis is wrong.

Like anything though, Cannabis can also be abused. It can heighten existing psychological traumas or issues by bringing them out into the open, and repetitive use can create negative behavioural patterns, becoming a coping mechanism to escape from the daily struggle of real life. I have seen both sides...

With my experiences I feel it is time to bring this out into the open. To make a point as to how we glorify the socially destructive nature of alcohol and suppress the healing and earth regenerating herb.

The societal issues with cannabis are not criminal offences, but health issues. At the very least, it's time to decriminalise Cannabis, and open the doors for ways in which it can help and heal us as a society - the way that hemp certainly is.

Aho 🍁 #decriminalise #cannabis #aotearoa #ednotmed #hemp #ganja #marijuana #hempforvictorynz


King Tawhiao - The Second Maori King


Entrepreneurship = Perserverance